Think We, Think Bigger
When I visualize life and our world from a ‘bigger picture’ perspective, it is obvious to me how important it is that we create connections and build relationships whenever possible.
In my coaching practice, My clients and I do a lot of work around authenticity and openness. Typically within only a few sessions, I begin to see clients feel and know relief, to be themselves and to experience truly living. Living authentically relieves stress, creates freedom and is life changing.
I recently penned an article to be published this spring in another book about the benefits and wins of our ability to be open and to live our truth.
At some point about a year ago I decided to put these ideas out into the world in the form of a book with the sincere hope that if we all (or many of us) decided to trust in our true higher voice and speak it out loud, that the world would be significantly different as in better.
Another big talking point for me, one I feel is related to this is our willingness to share our stories with others. I think often we believe our stories don’t carry enough value, but the truth is your story may change someone’s life or choices considerably.
Can you imagine? Picture a world where we are honest with our feelings while dining with friends, whether the topic be politics, love or social justice or all 3.
What if we knew how to not shut down and stop sharing but to openly, politely share what is in our hearts even if someone may not like it.
Or imagine hearing a friend or family member share a story or experience similar to one you’ve been holding in for years for fear it might expose something you feel badly about or that you might look silly. Yet the minute you hear another share this, you feel so much freedom.
Now, if possible, place yourself in a room or a world where people have earned and built trust because so many of us are honoring our values and our true inner voices. Now picture each of us sharing and understanding with sincere appreciation for our DIFFERENCES. Instead of seeking out only those who seem to be like us, what if we learn to evolve into a community of people who know how to blend and work together. We all want to be heard, to be seen and to be understood.
It’s my belief that as we come together without pretense, if we speak only from that voice in our hearts, that we can create an environment that grows us, one with trust and inclusion and respect. Understanding, Acceptance and Validation. What do you think?