Be Vulnerable
“And after heaps of faith, you groove into a deep, new way. And all you can say, with the greatest humility and relief is: I’ve softened.”
Funny, after reading this ‘truthbomb’ by Danielle La Porte, I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I love these words”
Doesn’t it seem like so many of us fear being soft, we learn to buck up when something hits us hard, we carry this ‘I’m okay’ front around when inside we are melting down. It’s ok to melt down and it’s more okay to be seen in your human feeling state.
When we are hurt, or starting over, or scared or all of these, we think we need to hide our feelings. Why, it’s unrealistic? Who is ever really okay when life gets hard, and who said we have to be? Be soft, be undone, be where you are. You can be vulnerable and still keep going.
I wonder if those who fear their own vulnerability long to lie down and feel soft. Our true strength is in our ability to give in to our feelings, to unravel and to be okay. I think it’s been proven more than once, that we can’t stuff our emotions anywhere for very long. And when they finally surface it’s often to erupt inappropriately at the worst time on the least deserving person.
I sometimes notice when I encounter someone who is going through something challenging or painful, how they decide to be ‘fine’ and to convince the world they are ‘fine’. Fine isn’t real. Fine is the plastic cover we put on everything. Fine hurts.
When we reach a place in our existence where we know that what we truly need to is to go inside, to sit with the rush of feelings, let it take us for a minute or a day. Let yourself feel, cry, scream, be free.
I’m going to stick with soft and authentic, even when it scares me. I like feeling soft.