Let’s Talk about the Kids …
I’ve been writing excerpts for my book which encompasses thoughts around authenticity and opening up to others with our background and our stories. And the piece that brings it all together is the final part where we talk about how this plays into our larger picture aka caring about everyone else, not just how these things work for us as individuals.
What keeps coming up for me though, is OUR KIDS! How are we going to come together for these kids? You’re reading this and thinking, what kids? Susan doesn’t have any children. And no, I sure do not, not for lack of desire, though. I desperately tried to conceive, but those eggs were not showing up. This is another story for another day.
When I speak of OUR kids, I speak of all of ‘our’ children. I see most of my friends and associates feeling frustrated, fearful and truthfully, embarrassed navigating through our political and societal unrest. If we are struggling, imagine their anxiety. How do we keep from letting these kids and their feelings go unheard or untreated. Their mental health is on us, people!
Let’s talk. I’m listening, I’m in the game.