Do you charge what you believe you’re worth? Are you adding value to other’s lives? What is keeping you from rewarding yourself and allowing people to compensate you for the value they receive?
If your work is heart centered and adding value to other peoples lives, my guess is you are not charging enough. Whether you are a therapist, coach or consultant, mentor, you are much more than an hourly, weekly or monthly rate.
As a female who has always found herself working in a position of service to people, I also have found it very hard to place a price on what I share and give. it’s important that you charge what your value is. We are not an hourly rate, we provide an in valuable service in the name of love and that alone is hard enough to put a price tag.
It doesn’t matter whether you are a nurse, an artist, a server or a coach, you are providing a talent and service that is valued by you and others.
Decide to charge according to your worth, And do it unapologetically?